Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Verizon comes through again...eventually

I had a line on my Verizon Family plan that I wanted cancelled. The contract was ending, we didn't use the line anymore.  Pretty simple.

I went into the Verizon store to make sure my wishes were clear and I wouldn't have any problems.  My current billing period was about to end (5/6/2010) and the contract ended 5/14/2010.  Verizon charges a month ahead so I thought this would be straightforward.  The rep in the store (very helpful) told me I would have to call after the billing cycle ended.  He gave me the number and told me what to hit in the phone menu

On May 15th, I call Verizon and go through the process.  I am told, no problem, we will put it in the system and everything will be handled at the end of the bill period.  Ten minutes, ready to go, thank you very much.

Then I checked online and saw that, indeed, my line would be cancelled but not until the end of the billing period.    I would have to pay for the full month although my contract ended seven days into the month.  I assumed this was an oversight on the part of the original phone rep so I stopped into my local store on the way home.  Here is where things got sideways.  The lady in the store (again, trying to be very helpful and courteous) told me the only way to resolve it was to talk to someone on the 800# because they couldn't really override their instructions in the store.

Back on the phone.  This time I get Katrina.  I recite my problem.  Her response is, "That is our standard process.  It only cancels at the end of the month."  I responded poorly and angrily.  After a couple of minutes of discussion around this lazy, customer hating business practice.  I asked for a supervisor.  Katrina responded with, "That won't be necessary, I will terminate it on the date you wish and credit your account".  I am confused but that clears quickly.  She explains that the system is set up only to terminate at months end but they are able to manually override that and she will do that for me.

I complain a little about the bad business practice of her superiors and the lazy system implementation that caused this problem (I do that for a living so I feel entitled to vent, even when the audience doesn't really care).  Then I remember Katrina is doing me a favor.  After about 3-5 minutes of work in the system, Katrina has terminated my contract and credited back the amount for that line.  I thank her and let her know I intend to send an email regarding her outstanding customer service.  I hope actually helping me does not get her in trouble.

But on a serious note, how many customer has VZW screwed out of $10-15 on occasions like this.  Ridiculous business practice and I hope enough people read this to put a stop to their anti-consumer behavior on this matter.

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