Saturday, October 17, 2009

Everybody Just Needs to Settle Down

I LOOOOVVVVEEEE college football. I love watching, attending, and listening to the University of Texas. I have been a UT fan since the Todd Dodge days. There have been times when I have been, self-admittedly, guilty of irrational exuberance. Some of that might be the Cubs fan in me. Every year seems like the year until it is not the year. I wouldn't have it any other way.

Sometimes, when it benefits my team, I find myself cheering against other teams. Occasionally I am guilty of program envy. This usually happens with SEC teams because of my perception that they get a free pass from the national media most years. But, in the end, the SEC seems to prove itself to be better than most. Better athletes = better football most of the time. I think Les Myles is the exception to that and has mismanaged his team most years. LSU will tire of his act eventually.

But what I don't get is the paranoia/bitterness of the Texas Tech fanbase. The whole world is not out to get you. You don't get screwed in every big game. The teams that beat you every year are not cheaters and criminals. First the team and now the fans have taken on the craziness of their head coach. Today was a fantastic win for the Texas Tech program - Rated opponent, on the road, tough first half of the season, back up quarterback.

I think Tech will finish second in the South and will have a lot to be proud of by the end of the season. Time to celebrate? Apparently not. I have seen more "Texas got lucky..again" and "Why are we not getting enough credit for a big win?" than celebrating the victory. It is hard for the fans to embrace the positive when your coach starts every press conference with "Poor me!"

There are times when Mack Brown is so Pollyanna it makes me want to vomit but, having seen the alternative, I guess I will take Susie Sunshine over Eeyore for now.

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