Monday, September 28, 2009

Re-defining Implosion

Mike Leach really has a way with team dynamics.  It seems like, every year, Mike Leach finds a way to take what appears to be a very good team and make it significantly less.  Sometimes it is obvious and painful like going for it on fourth deep in your own territory three or four times in one game.  Sometimes it is going for it at the goal line when you have a chance to kick the field goal that ensures you won't do worse than overtime.

What never seems to change though, is how he handles these situations.  He turns on his team and he turns on the fans.  Whether he is throwing nineteen year old kids under the bus then parking it on them or indefinitely suspending a kid for an 'undisclosed violation of team rules', he fails to lead his team and chooses to shame them instead.  He usually wins them back but it hurts the kids and it hurts him.

I defend Leach most of the time.  I like his shtick most of the time but when he turns on his team, not as much.  He is smart, an offensive genius, and a pretty good recruiter based on the limitations he is dealing with.  There are times when he is able to keep his squad in games they have not right to be in.  He is undeniably able to create offensive masterpieces out of lego pieces.

So why am I blogging about Texas Tech?  I really don't care that much but I have to ask my friends who have to suffer through his shenanigans...Is it really worth it?  I know you love the high flying offense and the excitement of constantly teetering on the brink of destruction.


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